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Come learn with us and find your inner entrepreneurial spirit!


Welcome to the Family Business Club @ TUM

Are you a TUM student who is interested in family businesses and would like to get to know exciting companies? Or are you becoming the successor in your own family business? If you want to expand your knowledge, network with others, and acquire new skills, you have come to the right place. We look forward to seeing you!

Family Business Club is a student initiative within TUM, aimed at all students interested in family businesses. Our initiative is supported by UnternehmerTUM. Together, we would like to initiate contact with established companies and meet inspiring personalities.  In doing so, we value the exchange of ideas as much as the pursuit of knowledge and shared experiences.

In our newsletter, we inform you twice a year about past events, changes within the Family Business Club and provide an outlook for upcoming events and developments.

Thank you for subscribing!

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